Thursday, 9 July 2020

A Cog in the Wheel

The walker was walking briskly in the forest. He regularly walked every day for over an hour. It had not always been that way. He had started walking seriously only a few years back. Something made him take up walking to an extent he had not walked earlier. He wasn't sure what had made him walk so much. But he walked around ten thousand steps a day, give or take a few steps. On some days, he nearly doubled the number of steps, driven by some unseen force. Today, when he had covered about six thousand steps he suddenly keeled over and crashed to the ground. Other walkers nearby rushed to help, but it was too late.

Simultaneously, fourteen other persons across the globe too fell to their death. Their death was intricately connected to one another though none of them knew each other.  They all had something in common that they were unaware of.

The number of steps that they took every day was tied to the destiny of many people in the world. Every step each of them took took away the life of a human being somewhere, leading to an average of about a hundred and fifty deaths a day. Some days when he or one of the others walked more than usual, some catastrophic event somewhere increased the average.


The "Man in the Moon", also known as the Force was amused to see all the fifteen die at the same time. Such a thing had not happened before. By  some strange coincidence, the Terminate function had been called for fifteen persons by different parts of the simlulation. It was the Force that entwined their walk with human deaths. It was the puppeteer controlling the strings of the great simulation that controlled the world. The simulation controlled who was a designated walker, i.e. a walker who, so to say, was the metronome by which The Grim Reaper hewed his scythe. It also controlled which human being was terminated as the designated walker took a step. Every designated walker was liable for termination too. In such a case, the simulation chose a replacement designated walker. And made him take up walking, like it had with others before him. Everything that happened was a part of the simulation. Every landslide, earthquake, snowstorm, flood and drought was a result of the operation of the simulation. Every election was rigged. Every winner of every  game, roulette or any other, was all determined by the Force's simulation.

The Force was based on the Moon and humans had failed to recognise the signs of existence of the Force. The Force had access to interfere in programs written by humans and not hesitated to save his turf when imminent danger was suspected. The Force had effectively neutralised a manned moon rocket a few decades back and an unmanned lander quite recently. 

It did introduce variables into the simulation from time to time. It rewrote bits of code to change or control the simulation as it desired. It was all powerful.

Or so it thought ...

Like every member of the military top brass, politician, gang-lord, corporate honcho, sports captains,  or classroom monitor, it had delusions of power.


But it was just another cog in the wheel. It itself was part of simulation in which he had several peers he was unaware of. The nearest planet with life, which was in no way similar to what Earthlings imagined, had two moons. The Force's peers in those moons not only controlled life on it, but actually played a game against each other. Like the Force, they introduced variables in their simulations or changed codes at the behest of the code that controlled them, under the watch of the Great Simulator, who controlled many such simulations.

GS too had delusions of power, but then GS too was just another cog in the wheel ...


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